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Writer's pictureKate Drummond

3 things we all want...

During my lifetime, I have met many people, from all walks of life, at different stages, in different seasons, all on a journey.

The three things they have in common is this:

They all, WE ALL want to be HEARD, SEEN and LOVED.

These three wants are not only gifts we would like to receive they are also gifts we should give........every day.

Remember what you give out, so shall you receive. I was taught, treat others how you expected to be treated yourself... this is so very true.

Ralph Waldo Emerson called this Law - The Law of Laws. It´s powerful. You get back what you put out. It is like a boomerang. You throw it out and it comes back.

To Be Heard - How do you hear people? When others speak, are you present, have you quietened your mind to really hear what they are saying, or are you already thinking of what you want to say next? We don’t always have to have answers, we don’t always have to make things right. Sometimes the only thing we need to do for others is to hear them.

To Be Seen - How do you see people? Do you judge a book by its cover? Do you look at how they’re acting? what they’re wearing? Do you look them in the eye or try to avoid their gaze? We look at others every day, out on the street, in the crowd, around the office. But how often do you really see them? We as humans have a great knack of putting on a facade, showing others what we think they should see. Look deeper at others, see their vulnerability, look into their eyes and see the person within, they may not remember who they are, they may be scared to show the real them. But when we connect, we show others that who they are is beautiful and unique.

To Be Loved - How do you love people? Do you distance yourself from showing love because you are, shy, fearful, or believe it is a sign of weakness? Love really does make the world go round, it is a connection, a vibration. There are Five Languages, Words of Affirmation, I’m proud of you...Acts of Service, emptying the dishwasher...Receiving Gifts, meaningful and timely...Quality Time, being where your feet are...and Physical Touch, a holding of hand, a cuddle ...Each one is important and expresses love in its own way. Learning what the other person needs at that moment in time is what is important.

Today, as you go about your day, be aware of how you hear, see and love others.

Love Kate x

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1 comentario

Lorrie Mickelson
Lorrie Mickelson
30 abr 2021

Beautiful Kate and such a wonderful reminder of how to move through our day interacting with others and ourselves💜

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