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  • Writer's pictureKate Drummond

What 2022 has taught me

I love December as a time for reflection and preparing for a new year of endless possibilities


I began this month strong of mind, body and spirit. My intentions were clear, and I felt a spiritual calmness. Ten days in, I disconnected. I was unbalanced and uncertain; I felt 'on edge', and as so many of us do when these feelings invite themselves in, I retreated, stopped moving my body, paused meditation, and negativity enveloped me.

The lesson here for me was to remember - I CAN ALWAYS CHOOSE AGAIN- The moment I reminded myself of this, I felt a shift. I remembered that I have the power to choose again in any moment, circumstance, or situation.

I promised myself for the rest of 2022 that, I would remind myself daily that I get to choose again.


This month began a little chilly; we lost heat and hot water, which is how it remained for the whole month.

This month's lesson was to ask: WHAT IS THE LESSON HERE?

Life will throw curve balls, and we will experience a plot twist or two, yet by pausing and asking what I can learn from this moment? The uncomfortableness changes, and a new outlook takes place. This question is an excellent gift in reframing.


The month's lesson was simple - I AM HEALING.

Reiki found me this month, and I went from I AM in PAIN to I AM HEALING. I connected with Reiki immediately, and I loved how I rediscovered that we all have the power to self-heal. I knew immediately that I needed to study Reiki to pay it forward and help others on their healing journey.

I am healthy, I am whole, I nourish my body and enrich my soul.


This month's lesson was - DAILY SHIFTS - No monumental changes, just beautiful daily shifts allowing me to evolve into who I truly am.


The more I do, the less I achieve; the Law of Least Effort came into play this month. When I fill my day, my week, and my mind to the limit, I end up being busy doing nothing.

The lesson here was definitely - FIND YOUR CALM - When I create space, what I need will appear. Space is essential, internally and externally, and if there is no internal space, what you need hasn't the room to come in.

This month I Cleared the Clutter; you can download your free Declutter your Life guide HERE; I reconnected with nature, and I worked outside in silence on a few sunny days we were gifted with.

Balance was restored.


I love June, birthday month, warm days, and long walks. For the last year, I have been working on the Law of Non-Attachment. Along with releasing the need to micro-manage and control the outcome.

This month, I needed to up the learning on this so -

The lesson here was this - RELEASE - Do your best, and be in the moment. Life is a beautiful balance of holding on and letting go.

"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from your past, but you will find yourself."


We've all heard the saying, "Fit a square peg into a round hole."

My lesson this month was - ROADBLOCKS - We all really want something, whether it's a new job, a relationship to work, or a holiday; the list is endless. Sometimes obtaining these things feels complicated, and there may be tears and tantrums along the way. You may come up against block after block.

These roadblocks divert you and guide you back to your path.

If it doesn't feel right for whatever reason (even if you want it to be right), It's likely not meant for you now.

I've discovered that it flows easily when you're on the right path.

We get what we need at the moment we need it. Beautiful divine timing.

I invite you to journal your 'Wants' and 'Roadblocks.' Along with what was going on in your immediate environment and the world. When you re-read, you'll see why you were redirected.

This exercise will also strengthen your intuition.

What is meant for you will never pass you by


This month I met an Angel by the lake. I was in Bardolino, Italy. It was such a beautiful place; it felt like 1950s Italy. What I liked the most was it was CALM.

As I was paddling in Lake Garda, an Italian woman was playing fetch with her dog. Within a moment, we were talking. She, too, was Vegan (as you may know, this is not a typical Italian trait); she was alcohol-free (neither is this); we began speaking about the colour of prana and eating for energy. We chatted for about 20 minutes.

Our exchange was nourishing for the soul; I felt connected, I reconnected

My lesson this month was to always be OPEN - Open to all opportunities, conversations and connections.

Every moment leads to something.


After a beautiful few weeks travelling Italy, we returned to, well, to be honest, I have no words to explain, nor shall I bore you with the details.

My lesson this month was PARENTING is TOUGH - There are plenty of parenting books, yet no one can navigate you through certain challenges. There is no one size fits all remedy or solution. Yet the lessons I had accumulated through the year to date came in really handy; Create Space, Be open, Find your Calm, and RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE.

My additional takeaway this month was the reminder that our children are on their own journeys, and it's not always going to be rainbows and unicorns.

They, too, have to learn through what they go through.


This month's lesson was WORDS HAVE POWER - The words we say to ourselves and others change EVERYTHING.

From the moment I began calling my PAIN - CLOUD, things changed. My cloud eased.

We think about our words when we manifest a new job, relationship etc. Yet each word we speak sets in motion a chain of events to make it happen.

Whatever follows, I AM shall be. In addition, if the word you use is negative, hurtful, or unkind, ask yourself, is that the energy you want to welcome?


The lesson I learned this month was to remember the importance of SLEEP - We generally give little thought to sleep and its importance until we lack it. Our 9-month-old Cavalier King Charles, Gino, decided that sleep wasn't fun. Waking at 11:30, 1:30, 3am, and 4am every night/morning for 3 weeks.

Then he slept through, and I felt revitalised, happy, calm, nourished and rested.

We are only sometimes going to get the perfect night's sleep. Yet, by doing our part to set ourselves up for success by creating a power-down ritual, meditation, bathing, stretching, gadgets off and getting to bed before 10, we have a better chance of making it happen.

In the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD (which is a fascinating read)- the following is laid out as an advert reads…


Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. It makes you look more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and the flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You'll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?


Here we are, December 2022; I am sure this year went January, February, March, August, and December.

My lesson for this month is already apparent - TRUST THE PROCESS.

So as we say farewell to 2022 and welcome in a new year, I'm not going to try and second guess what the new year will have in store. Instead, I am going to live purposefully each and every day. Be mindful, happy, and open to the wonders of the universe.

I wish you joy, peace, health and hope abundance flows through every part of your life.

Love & Light

Kate x

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